Felis’ Story – Tails of HOPE

Director of Communications
August 3, 2016
“Now when I wink, it means I am happy and content, not ouch it hurts!”
~ Felis
Felis was in constant discomfort. Hair was scratching his eye at all times. This surgery gave Felis relief from pain. It required tremendous precision and skill on the part of the doctor. Since the surgery, Felis is healing well and appreciates the hair no longer being anywhere near his eye.
Felis’ Story
“Ouch…There’s something in my eye. I need your help to make it stop hurting.”
~ Felis
Born: November 1, 2015
Diagnosis: Eyelid Agensis
Treatment: Surgery
Medical Costs: $1600
Precious Felis is in constant pain due to hair scratching his cornea. He was born with this condition which is due to his eyelids being deformed.